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Skin Magical Rejuvenating Set #1

Hormonal changes in teenagers are one of the most common reasons for acne breakouts in teenagers. However, even adults are at risk, and it’s never easy to live with this condition, especially when you’re at an age where you should already be confident about yourself in all aspects. A blemish in the face can mean all the difference for one’s self-esteem.

Start your acne treatment with the help of Skin Magical Rejuvenating Set #1, and see results within a week of use. This 5-piece set has everything you need to cure and protect your face from your blemish problems. The set includes a Rejuvenating Soap, Rejuvenating Facial Toner, Rejuvenating Cream, Age Eraser Collagen Cream and Sunblock Cream. These products will not only help dry up and heal your acne fast, it will also help brighten and protect your skin, making you look younger.

Before starting the regimen, perform the allergy spot test. Apply the products to the specific spot on the forearm to initially test for untoward skin reaction/s. If no reaction occurs withing 24hrs, you may start with the regimen. (For extra sensitive skin, a skin allergy test performed by a health professional is highly recommended) avoid to much sun exposure. Always wear sunblock.

Skin Magical Set# 1

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